Sunday 15 November 2009

See if this one updates the blogroll

I have been running
a bit
and possibly been drinking a little too much beer
in between
but there is a lot going on and
my running keeps it together
and helps to clear my head
and focus the mind
from the confusion
and the reality of a change that has
come into my world
the beer is good to help forget
but it is a crutch
a leg up to the escape hatch
whereas a step out the door with only
some miles ahead
is a step to clarity and release
and the quiescence of the turmoiled mind


  1. not yet, but you've still got viewers :o)

  2. Hi Keith

    Not sure why blogspot updates most of the blogs but then not others. I will try and delete yours and then reinstall and see if that works.

    How is the novel going? Hope you haven't packed in!!

    John Kynaston

  3. Well that didn't work! Not sure what else I can do??

    Any suggestions?

