So many words and tributes have been written to the great man, he touched the lives of so many people.. If you read any or all of the messages there is a common theme.. It is always "Dario encouraged me when I first wanted to race the WHW" or "He was a great inspiration and always offered me great advice", "He loved seeing people finish", "I really enjoyed talking to him about the race, and about how he felt it could be improved" etc etc
And that was the thing, he gave and gave and for each person he had something different.. I will always remember him wrapped up against the midges in a bright yellow outfit at Rowardennon looking like some sort of being from out of space, asking how I was going.. I will remember him at the end of the race in 2008 when Jim Robertson, Tony Gilmour and I finished up - he was just so happy to see Big Jim make it to the end.. I will miss the email banter we shared, and how he would laugh at some wisecrack or the other..
I was so fortunate to get my goblet from Dario at Ian and Alibea's barby.. How many people has he made feel so good as they shook his hand ... Look at the smile on that face, who was happier ?

What a truly wonderful and inspiring man, one who I feel so privileged to have known. To Gilian and his sisters Alida and Diana, my deepest sympathies..
Dario - rest in peace mate..
I never ran with you
But our family has
We never shared a meal, but had a beer or 2
Your family I have never met
Such a brief friendship, but I have known you all of this life,
And now every step of every mile, every stone, rock and stile
Up the staircase, or before Beinglas,
Somewhere touching the sky
When the rain clears, and the sun shines
On the Way,
You will be there and I will smile ..
See you Thursday, brother.