Le Grande Tour Du Sept Collines
Just a little run to see Ian King off on before his little adventure in France in a few weeks time. We have been running together for a few years now as a gang so we all managed to meet up and have our usual trot around the 7 Hills of Edinburgh.. So a decidedly French theme to send him on his way..
Weather last night was scorchio, tonight a constant drizzle but nice and cool and great running conditions... Me, Ian, Emma, Antonia set off from mine picking up Norm at his work then heading to Costorphine.. Got there about 5:45. Carrie had said she would meet us later so up we went..
Got to the top and got a text from Carrie saying she was on her way up.. A slight bit of confusion but all good and we headed down the hill and on to Craiglockhart. En route we met Kim and we all rotted around to the hill.. Pace pretty reasonable but good chat.. Unfortunately Emma was struggling with a calf injury so bailed out at the canal..
There is probably no better feeling when you crest a hill in Scotland to find a bloke n a mad beret, a UTMB t-shirt, ringing a cow bell and handing out hobnobs.. Of course there can only be one man that you would want to see up a hill.. He name is Murdo and he is Magnificent..
Cracked open a cheeky French White Burgandy which made us all a little buzzy, left the great man and on we went.. Run to Braids was nippy, Kim and Ian setting a great pace.. we all cracked on and made it up to the top to the renamed Brioche Braids... Sensational job from Carrie and really perked us up.
Run down across the golf course, in the rain, through the bracken and nettles and then up to Blackford.
Here Norm gave Ian a training aid – a tin of French Onion Soup to put in his pack for the next 4 weeks training runs.
Here we met Lisa – random chick from Chicago just minding her own business having a run whilst on holiday... “Wanna come with us.. “ “Yeah sure..”
So back down the gentle slopes past the Royal Observatory, then to the long road section through the University and the high security fencing and the up Arthurs.. Could not see much when we got to the top. Lisa well and truly holding her own, Kim setting a cracking pace on all the hills and everybody enjoying the run.. Bloody slippy on the rocks.. At the top it was time for some bruised Brie, yummy... Thanks again Carrie.. Kim left us to go home from here.
The descent was quite slow till we got onto the path then we fanged it .. Past the parliament, and the police out for some wedding this weekend.. Lizzy is on her way.. Then up Calton Rd and up the hill on the way to Calton .. Pushed it a bit but everyone on really good form now.. Even got a view at the top.. Carrie did her best jumping frog impression
And then it was on for the final sprint up the High St .. Antonia brought out 2 berets – a lovely hand knitted one for me from her Mum..
Norm led out, I fell over on the bridges and then we all barrelled up the High Street.. Cracking end to the run.. Always a shame the Castle esplanade is closed at this time of year but the grins say it all....
To Lisa the random Chicago chick, welcome to Scotland.
To MtM - merci buckets mate
To Ian King – bon chance mon amis, croissant, eu de toilette avec Mont Blanc !
Raising Lazarus at the River Ayr Way
8 years ago
Great training for Ian's UTMB "party" in a month's time. His recent Alpine training should definitely put him on the podium ~ pas de sweat.
Great send off for Kingy. Great run. Great pint in Teuchters!!!!
nb -that's the quickest "Over The Top" post you've done. You must be buzzin'!!!
The best runs are the fun ones, and it looks like you all had ball :-) x