The start as always, mental.. So many great friends, the air of expectation, the testosterone bottled up and ready to go.. This is FAMILY night, it happens once a year and it is GOOD !
Mike had picked me up from the hotel about 11, it was so great to see him.. I was knackered, but feeling good.. It was still warm, but started to feel the chill.. Drive the white beast into the carpark and found a slot. Went into register and it was great to see so many family and family to be. Had met an irish chap in the hotel, it was hist first race and he was up for it..
Saw Debs and Marco and Deano and DQ and Stan and big Davie and Adrian and Dave and who knows lots of other people.. Felt great to be at home and glad that I would be sharing the next few hours with these great people. Went back to the carpark and sat down and started to sort my shit out. I had called Mike earlier and my lovely friend Sandy had made a cracking pasta for me, a nice bit of spice, just the trick. Mike heated it up, Dave, Lee, Hannah and the Lahndan MASSIVE were next door. Norm came past and we started chatting,. He was looking like a man ready to get a goblet.. Carrie came down with a head torch , she had had to DNS only 2 days ago ..
Ate, got ready, said hi to people. Saw Marco and told him that with the cracking form he had run in and his sensational pacing I knew he was in for a good one.. Oh that and his personalised Marco WHW10 Nike shoes .. Caught up with Richie, the air of expectation following him like a shrouded mist , but a man who knew he had done everything possible to arrive at the start in the best possible shape.. We were all rooting for him and knew he was going to do us proud.. Told him to look out the door of the Doune Bothy..
And the time ticks closer, milling around, but everyone slowly, inexorably moving closer to the underpass newly painted, closer to the start, and closer to Fort William..

Race briefing from the lovely Shaun, then a few words from Adrian and 1 minutes respectful clapping for our dearly beloved and departed friends
Said my cheerios to Milke, once again he had got me to the start line.. Would see him again at Rowardennan.. Caught George, grinning from ear to ear, and the lovely Karen ready to go.. Then set us on our way....
Started out at the back of the pack as we knew we would.. Ran with Jim R for a few miles, always a pleasure and honour to run with the old bloke.. Ran with Ray for a short time, but knew we wanted to be a bit in front of him :-)
Crikey, 8 weeks on and I have still not finished off the trip back up the road.. Just never got around to it, been busy at work and blah blah but here goes, have an hour to kill, so here goes, will make a start and get up the road.
Got to Drymen, realised that I did not have any food.. Not sure what the &*&)( happened when I left Milngavie, but there I was, 3 AM in the morning with mo gels, no snack.. WTF ?? Lucky George had some spare and we cracked on up the hill, through the forest... Breaking through the trees, we came to Conic Hill, the only one we had missed out the day before.. Topping out we looked down the Loch from the top of the hill, I love that view.. Caught up with Uncle Dunc who was really toiling .. Did not really catch what he said had happened but was gutted when he said he was pulling out .. He was looking pretty busted - later found out he had fallen and busted a few ribs .. For a bloke of considerably advancing years, he had done very well to get that far, maybe the distance is beyond him now ?? (If this bit of needle doesn't get the bloke in next year I will be very disappointed !)

Its really funny but at no stage of the way up did I have any doubt about making it.. It was bloody hard, espectially as we were trying to keep the pace up to make the times.... Knew we needed to make Rowardennan in 7 hrs.. We were on pace at Balmaha, but only just .. Mike had left me food in the usual place, so I had a bit of scoff and walked on.. Saw Old Jim who was supporting Mad Jim and Ray the legend.. His face was a picture..
We cracked on, coming across Mad Jim... We knew we were really on it for time at this point, calculating that we had about an hour to close down the remaining 4 miles.. With now closing on the full 95 miles, we had to push on.. Said to Jim and then ensued a robust discussison about race pace and cutoff times.. Jim is just quality .. One of my best ever WHW;s was sweeping one year when we crossed Rannoch Moor.. Advice to any race virgins who are struggling.. If you want to finish, stick with Jim..
So we had to crack on, and with a couple of other blokes who were toiling, went the up and down and up and down and is there another bloody hill, oh yes there is that big fallen tree and that is the last one, oh no its not, its just there, oh thats where Lucy waiting in 2008 with Kipper geeing on people and getting eaten by midges, shit it must be around the corner, oh finally there are the brown huts and the campsite and the hotel, and tears and good memories expecting to see my roly poly mate with his midgie net on, and then relief, stop, Mike and midges and Kristin and massage and bloody midges and porridge and coffee.. 27 miles down, total now at 95
Mike had to almost kick me to get going again, George was set and so away we went.. Came across a couple of blokes Gary and Lee on their first race, just leaving Rowardennan, one was toiling the other was keeping him company.. We chatted for a few moments and just told them they were good for pace and to keep at it, but he was really struggling.. I really like this section.. I always remember running it with my dog Sam, and also Ian Beattie telling me that it is about 90 mins to the end of the landrover track and then 90 mins to Inversnaid.. The terrain is varying and unlike yesterday when we were coming down in the scorching heat we were just ticking the miles off.. Before too long we were at the concrete block and then Inversnaid was upon us.. Pretty much on time .. Always love seeing the S&R people there, they are tops.. 101 Miles down.. 35 hrs elapsed..
Not really much to say about the next bit.. It was just hard as usual, the temperature was rising but not to the same extent as the previous day.. Had a moment at the top of the Loch sitting on the tree stump - I always do - and looking down where we had just come from... Stopped this time to sign the Dario book and then took down our sign from the Doune Bothie door .. Gary and Lee past us here, going really well.. I asked Lee if when we had seen then 8 miles previous if he was just being a soft girly blouse who wanted to have a cry and with a huge smile he said "Yes that just about sums it up.. " they really looked like different runners.. (As it turns out they did not finish, pulling out at Glencoe, but I bet they will be back)
As always it was dragging between the Loch and Beinglas, it is always longer than it should be .. The temperature was rising and once again we were conscious of the time pressure.. We were running about 15-16 min miles, but we knew we needed to keep this pace to get to Auchtertyre by 16:30..
Just out of Beinglas we came across 2 of my favorite most top ladies, Mags and Fiona.. They were travelling really well and looked really comfortable.. Great to see Mags enjoying her running .. We past them going through the last trees, but they would both pass us on the way out and we would not see them till the prize giving ceremony.. Kristin was there at Beinglas, cold coke, food and the warmest of smiles that just gave me a real boost..
Did not stop that long.. The heat was now really getting up again and we needed to keep on the pace.. Coming through Derrydarroch again, where only 26 hours and 112 miles before I had had my swim was a great boost.. Then it was up and over the hills.. So so dry, even in the cow shit path that is usually muddy and crappy. The hills behind Crianlarich were crap as usual.. Really really hot but plugging away.. My feet were really getting sore at this point, just busted. At St Fillans, less than a mile from Auchtertyre and with the cutoff time no longer an issues I stopped under the bridge for another swim.. Ahhh bliss, just lying in the water with my feet soaking for 5 mins ..
Hit Auchtertyre after 14:15 running time (3:15 PM ) where a lovely lady looked at my blisters, popped a few and bandaged my feet.. Then I went around and my finishing crew of Gaz, Merv and Kristin.. Gaz and Merv have now run 4 or 5 times with me, with them at my side, and with Kristin with me for the next 10 miles, I was on the homeward stretch.. Sure I had 40 miles to go, but with friends you can do anything..
Kristin gave me a bit of a leg massage, Gaz and merv got me food and stuff ready.. Despite my swim I was feeling pretty knackered and I know for the next 10 miles or so I was having a bit of a sook.. George was ready much before me and running from Tyndrum to Bridge of Orchy I know I was holding him back.. Not that I was going to stop, its just at this bit George was stronger.. I had Kristin running with me, and it was just tops.. She is great company and we talked about her trip to Africa and climb up Killy of only a few weeks previous..
It really was a cracking arvo, its just we were knackered..

Got to BOO (129 miles total) after 17:29 elapsed (total 43:30 hrs) and I was really toiling... Once again, I was slow to get going.. By this stage we were trying to find out who had won the race. We knew that our hero Richie was in the lead, but that there was a well credentialled American hot on his trail.. We had been crossing our fingers all the way and sending good thoughts to the North.. We asked Sean and both screamed with joy and jumped up and down when we found out that Richie had done it.. Without diminishing from any previous winner, we knew just how much he had wanted this, and just how hard he had worked to get it .. Bloody sensational.. You can read his report here..
It gave us such a boost so after trying to sort my back out we cracked on up the hill... Krusty would be leaving me at Victoria Bridge, so away we went.. I love BOO, having stayed there with my mates from Aus in 2007, and climbing the hill one morning with my mate Rup. As we approached the top this time, there was a familiar looking Saltire flying high and proud.. there is of course only one man who flies such a flag at Ultra events in Scotland, my good mate - Murdo the Magnificent.. A jelly baby and and a kick in the arse and away we went

At Vic Bridge I was still toiling and the midges were getting up, so we did not tarry that long. From here until Kinlochleven I would have the company of my mate Merv. He has joined me 3 times previously at Kingshouse, and did that and also part of the Great Glen with me last year. In 2007, when I was on my best pace, I actually had to leave him at the botrom of the Devils as he had been recovering from a flu and still had come up to run with me .. Having run 4 times, he said this time would be his last, so wanted to come across Rannoch Moor with me ..
And Scotland turned it on.. Rannoch Moor is just sooo sensational at all times, whatever the weather, you have open open miles, and hills around and clear coutry and nothing but everything.. And we had the closing of a clear blue day, high lenticular clouds and the open vista that is beauty defined.. And we started running.. There are lots of ups and downs and we found a down, and found our feet, all 6 of us (George had his crew) and we got a pace on.. Not super fast but a run it was... And on the ups we walked and talked, and Merv (who amongst other things has a Geography degree) told me about the landscape and how the little bumps are remains of what the glacier had dumped, and we ran along in the closing of the day and 140 miles in the glorious sunshine, just a few folks out for a run in the wonder that is Scotland. To experience an afternoon like that, in the company of such great people is the reason I do these things..
coming off the moor as the sun dipped and the white oasis that is Kingshouse beckoned the temperature started to drop. I knoew this was on its way and combined with fatigue it made us want to get to Glencoe and into our warms.. Gaz was waiting for us there and immediately the machine clioked into place.. Clothes, drink and food appeared and as I sat in my seat I was warming up.. Had a lovely meal of heated up tomato soup and Waitrose risotto.. So easy to eat and full of goodness.
We rug up and I get George a pair of tracksters, it is cooling down and with the tiredness we are liable to get cold.. Make it through Kingshouse at a walk.. Was taking me a while to get going.. We have done 140 miles, only 23 to go.. Piece of piss.. The the really shitty bit to Altnafaed which I hate.. Plodding ok.. Merv in good form, George travelling well. Then we hit teh bottom of the devils and explode.. We caned it, absolutely kicked the shit out of it .. It was bloody sensational.. I had Merv on my tail, and U was thinking I would lose him, but puffing a bit we topped out in less than 15 mins.. Motoring.. If that is the last time I go up the Devils with Mervyn Jones, then I am so glad we had a belter..
Got to the top, where we met Ian King.. He was sitting down and I was really worried for him.. He should have been hours in front of us.. But then when I spoke to him and he said "Leg is knackered, but I am going to finish it ." I knew he was ok.. there was absolutely no way that he was nor going to finish it.
But it was with real relief that we hit the forestry track and eventually made it to Kinlochlevem... There awaiting us was my mate Gaz and the lovely Neil and Caroline manning the KLL Checkpoint. Took us a moment to find the new place, but what a great spot... Gaz had everything ready, hot drink, food etc .. George had a pint of guiness whilst I laid on the floor scoffing fruit from a cup, muller rice and a coffee....

Back was giving me a bit of gyp, and was getting a bit knackered but we laughed about the trip up the Devils... It was great to see Neil and Caroline both family .. Neil is in the Navy now so spends his time underwater, not sure if he can run there, but it would not surprise me ..
Said goodbye to Merv, what a cracking run.. Then off we went. Had the chat about the run in, we were now in getting home mode. We would just get it done.. No need to beast the KLL hill, just crack on ..No sprint finish.. Left Kll at 2:23 - 50 hours from start time.. 150 miles done
Great trip in, really can't remember a lot, know that me and Gaz chatted a lot, the sun came up, we put one foot in front of the other.. We ate, we chatted, George with his crew, me with Gaz, just bringing it home.. Middle or Lairig Mor, in the morning light as the 3rd day dawned on us.. Just walking, thinking, stretching my back on the grass, seeing white Unicorns up against rocks, or are they rocks, not thats a sheep in a tutu, Gaz, can you see it, whats that .. One foot in front of eachother, Lundavra arrives, hidden and then there, the smoke from the fire waiting for us and keeping the midges at bay.. A wee break, saw Lorna, Ians lovely wife and she said he was cracking on... Then one foot in front of the other, up the hill, along, through to the Dear Gate, a 400 foot wooden style encrusted with broken glass and gun emplacements (well thats what the *&(&*()er feels like !) and along, one foot in front of the other, the closing in of all sound as the body shuts down all processing that it does not need. The dawn becomes an echo at the bottom of a fishbowl, fatigue..
And one foot in front of the other, through the forest.. And the dark again until the light and the expectation of the finish that is just down this little hill, oh you can see the lights, but no its 3 miles.. at least, and quads are aching, we remember the pace of the ascent 53 hours previous.. I hate it so start running out of the forest, this is my sprint finish.. As come down the forrestry track (with the extra special big stones.. ) I shout back up to George telling him I need to get off this hill.. And we run, jog, walk, putting one foot in front of the other, each step another one closer. Braveheart finally appears, as does Merv... Gaz just talking, keeping me going, just being there like the great mate he is .. I stretch again (what a &*()&(ing show pony), and tben we are off, on the tarmac..
The road, as ever, drags.... But following the mantra we plod on.. And then we are at the 30 mile sign, the B&B, the roundabout... As we approach the Nevis Bank, where my bed awaits, I say to George "Lets finish it " ... And so we run in.. Just 2 blokes doing about 3 miles an hour, strolling in.
Emotions overwhelming, pain a forgotten friend
Mates, friends, family, got us there
and would not let us stop
and so we did not
a succcess delayed
but a success, nevertheless
2 blokes
went a run
had fun

163 miles, 56hrs 05 mins..
Thanks to all who ran, walked, kicked, fed, checked us in, laid out the course, was there, we ran beside, or behind.. To those who sponsored and supported in time or deed.. If you want to sponsor me, you still can click on the link..
Thanks to our families and friends ..
To a friend
Old or not yet known
Never forgotten
we share a time
that we never replace
nor want to